Tasman University of the Third Age (U3A)

0474 208 585
[email protected]
Tuesdays 9.45am-11am (excluding Winter June-August)
Tasman Community Centre, Taranna

Tasman U3A is part of the Statewide network of the University of The Third Age, which is a global organisation.

Tasman U3A encourages members of the community to continuously learn through attending (and even presenting), interesting, thought provoking and educational talks and courses. Everyone is welcome to attend. No qualifications are needed and there are no tests or exams! All you need to participate is an enquiring mind.

Stay for a cuppa afterwards. No joining fees. $2 for morning tea.

During the Winter months, U3A meet for conversations around the log fire at the Lufra on Tuesdays from 10.30am, and some stay for lunch. Please contact at the phone or email above for more information.

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