Tasman Community Visitors Scheme

03 6282 1515
[email protected]
Local people visiting locals

The Community Visitor Scheme (CVS) is a volunteer program supporting the development of genuine friendships, for people living in residential aged care or those receiving support through home care packages. We need volunteers from the Tasman to make this friendship program work. The program is being established locally and overseen by Lifeline Tasmania, who will provide all training and support on the Peninsula, before inviting older people to participate.

CVS will be a free service to the participant in the program. No costs are taken out of their Home Care Package. If you are aware of an older person who would love this service, please let them know about the CVS program once it gets underway in the community. It’s designed to reduce the risk of loneliness and isolation.

People who become volunteers will be carefully matched with eligible older people for one-on-one weekly or fortnightly visits. Visits will be spent doing the things the older person most enjoys, which may include reading, listening to music, puzzles, watching a favourite TV show, or just chatting and reminiscing. Activities may also extend to a walk or an outing, subject to the health and mobility of the person being visited. This volunteer work also qualifies for Mutual Obligations under Centrelink.
If you would like to speak to someone about participating as either a volunteer or to receive a visit, please contact Gemma at the phone or email address supplied.

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