Optometrist – free bulk billed eye tests

Hello Tasman!

I am the locum optometrist offering free/bulk billed eye tests at Huon Regional Care in 2025.

I’m here to provide you with therapeutically endorsed eye care you can trust, whether it’s routine check-ups, ocular disease screenings for glaucoma and macular degeneration, or children’s eye tests.

Address: Huon Regional Care, 1614 Nubeena Road, Nubeena

Scan the QR code or visit my website to book an appointment: https://www.eliselocumoptom.com/

Click book appointment in the top right corner and choose Nubeena, as I also visit Oatlands.

Look forward to seeing you!

Please call Tasman Medical Practice on (03) 6143 1002 for more information and appointments

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