Tasman Neighbourhood House

(03) 6253 9000
[email protected]
Tasman Neighbourhood House is open Tue to Fri 9am-2.30pm.  Bookings of space in the House or garden can be arranged by contacting Jack, which is free for community groups.
1635 Main Rd, Nubeena.  Next door to the Nubeena IGA supermarket.

Tasman Neighbourhood House in Nubeena is a great place to visit if you are new to the area and want to find out what is going on locally.  It provides an extension of services provided through the Dunalley Neighbourhood House for people across the Tasman Peninsula. The following services are offered or supported:

Laundry services available during opening hours or by appointment.  Free laundry powder, sanitary items, soaps, nappies, baby wipes on request.

Free home-made, frozen meals and pantry staples available as desired.

No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) Anyone who is working can apply for a NILS loan if their gross income is $55k or less. If you have a pension, DVA or health care card and need assistance with bond, rent in advance, medical/dental, computers, white goods, car registration or repairs, you can get assistance with workers to make an application by appointment.  Contact Jack for more information.

Family support and wellbeing worker who you can chat with about kids, parenting, partners and family related issues.

Free professional & experienced counselling available (phone or face to face) for long term PTSD and complex trauma, personality disorders, anger management, domestic violence & behaviour change therapy, drug and alcohol issues, stress management & mindfulness, mental illness & ongoing support, suicide prevention.

Services Australia is visiting the Tasman and Dunalley Neighbourhood Houses on Tuesdays every month, beginning 26 March. Contact the Houses for further information. In person help is available for signing up to and problem solving any issues with mygov services.

Centrelink Service Officers are visiting in person, monthly to assist anyone with any Centrelink issues, concerns or queries.

Neighbourhood House Day activities occur at the end of each school term. The entire community are welcome to celebrate this child focused event. Drop in to say hello or feel free to give a hand.

Womens’ Wellness Nights occur 8 times per year as advertised through the Dunalley Tasman Neighbourhood House emails. If you wish to find out more, contact Lil at [email protected]

Free Family Playgroup Tuesdays 9am-12 noon Morning tea provided, fruit and toasties around lunch time.  Family Support Worker available.

Free KinderGym for Kids from 0-7 and their participating families to encourage physical development, confidence and creativity. Morning tea provided. Held Thursdays at Taranna Community Hall from 10-12am.

Community Garden space available for the avid gardeners who desire some growing space.

Dignity Program a therapeutic and supported gardening program for all community members.  Join the group to share a pizza lunch, good conversations in a gardening environment. 

Free IT Support and computer access, WIFI, scanning and printing. Contact Jack to find out how to get your individual IT session and ongoing support. There are also opportunities for volunteering by helping people learn more about their devices and how to use them.

Visiting Employment Services from WISE Disability Employment (fortnightly) and BEST Training and Employment Matching Service (fortnightly) and Interact by appointment only. Contact Jack for more information.

Textiles & crochet Group every Thursday 10am-12pm

Men’s Group meets fortnightly on Thursdays 6-9pm located at the Neighbourhood House in Nubeena.  Contact Akia for more details 0434 665 783

Facilitated Youth House Activities for teens 13-21 years by Youth Worker every Thursday from 3-5.30pm. Drop-in to find out more.

Indoor soccer is held later on Tuesdays.

Seniors Art & Craft Activity group every Tuesday 1-3pm

Volunteer coordination occurs at both Tasman and Dunalley Houses to engage community members into all programs and activities. This includes the Dunalley OpShop, Food Coop and other programs. It is great way to give back to your community and also meet the Centrelink Mutual Obligation for anyone over 55.

Assistance with Centrelink calls and paperwork

Commissioner for Declarations – similar to a Justice of the Peace.  A person who can sign administrative documents that need an authorised witness, including certifying a copy of an original document and witnessing statutory declarations.

Assistance with End-of-Life Paperwork

Ask about our Death Cafe program exploring all issues related to death, dying and grieving.

Boys Groups partnering with Tasman District School every Thursday.  Contact Jack.

Girls Groups partnering with Tasman District School every week. Contact Jack

Tasman Home School Network Group meet Tuesdays from 10am at the CWA Hall, just across the road.  See Georgie at Tasman House or contact direct [email protected]

Domestic and family violence support and referrals

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