Nubeena CWA
[email protected]
Crafternoons each 1st & 3rd Sunday 1-4pm
Across the road from the Nubeena IGA and Nubeena Neighbourhood House

Country Women’s Association (CWA) Nubeena is an active group supporting and connecting women on the Tasman. Together with our sister group, CWA Highcroft, our community comes together with the same desire to share our skills, knowledge and time to care for one another and the communities we live in. You are welcome to our events, whether a member or not. Membership covers us with insurance for all activities and projects undertaken by us to benefit women and their families in our community as well as discounts on great workshops.

All women are welcome at the Community Hall for regular friendship, textiles, craft and wellbeing activities and to participate in projects as they arise. There is also a youth category for membership. Keep an eye on the CWA Nubeena Community Hall Facebook site for activities between regular meetings.
Visitors and newcomers are welcome to come find out about the Tasman community and make some great connections, regardless of membership.

This historic hall with kitchen and toilets is available for hire and further information may be obtained by contacting the email address provided.

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