Dunalley Neighbourhood House

(03) 6253 9000
[email protected]
Mon – Thu 9am-3pm

The Dunalley Neighbourhood House provides a range of services to the communities around Copping and Dunalley.  They also manage and support the operations of the Tasman Neighbourhood House in Nubeena to help offer a wider range of services all the way to Port Arthur and across the Tasman Peninsula.

  • Shower services (by appointment)
  • Laundry services 24/7
  • Dunalley Op-Shop
  • Dunalley Food Co-op
  • Free frozen meals
  • NILS Loans (by appointment)
  • Family Support assistance
  • Counselling Referrals
  • Playgroups
  • Community Garden
  • Computer access, WIFI, scanning and printing

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