Who are we?
Tasman Voice for Health is a community group which works to represent community’s needs and perspectives on topics health and wellbeing of people living in the Tasman Municipality. The Tasman Voice for Health is working on collecting community views about what health services are needed in the area and advocate to government and other decision makers. We also work on community-led projects to improve health and wellbeing in the Tasman Region.
Recent update on projects:
Tasman Connect website launch May 2023 – The Tasman Connect project has launched its website to help fill the gap for a local online directory and calendar of health and wellbeing related services and events (https://tasmanconnect.org.au/). We are also working with local service providers, businesses, and community groups to share the information from the website with their networks through everyday interactions.
Mental Health First Aid May 2023 – 30 people from across the community were trained in Mental Health First Aid through training organised by Tasman Voice for Health
After Hours Care Consultation March 2023 – We have been asked by Primary Health Tasmania to contribute a community perspective to possible improvement to after-hours access to medical help in the Tasman Region.
Renewal of Tasman Voice for Health and Tasman Connect Funding – We are very pleased that the funding from the Tasmanian Health Service for both projects has been extended for another 2 years.
What are we doing next:
- Collaborating with other community groups for:
- Mental Health Week Events
- Women’s Health Week Events
- Learning more about problems older people on the Tasman face when accessing services and health information
- Continuing to support Mental Health initiatives in the area:
- working with and supporting the new Mental Health First Aiders
- working with the Mental Health Council of Tasmania to improve Mental Health and Wellbeing (early days)
- Building our working relationship with the Multi-Purpose Service, providing feedback, advice and support
- Create strategies to engage with and hear the thoughts and ideas different groups who are not strongly represented in our committee, including young people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
How you can get involved:
- You can let us know:
- What group(s) do you think are missing?
- What topics do you think we should be discussing?
- How can we help you or your group with health-related projects?
- Request the latest Meeting Minutes for more information
- Look out for the next member callout and apply to join (coming later in the year)
- Follow us on Facebook Tasman Voice for Health Facebook Page
Hannah Fielder at [email protected] or call/text 0434 298 445