Bushfire Preparation

1800 000 699

During BUSHFIRE SEASON only Permit fires are allowed. If you see smoke during this time:
1. Call 000 immediately. Registered burns are not permitted in high fire danger conditions.
2. Action your Bushfire Plan if required
3. Listen to ABC radio or ring Tasman Council for location of Evacuation Centres and/or
4. Keep updated with TASalert here https://alert.tas.gov.au/

If you see smoke and it is NOT BUSHFIRE SEASON and burn-offs are allowed:
1. First, check if it’s a registered burn by free calling 1800 000 699 or go to https://www.fire.tas.gov.au and select “What’s Burning Now”
2. If it’s not a registered burn, call 000.
3. Keep updated with TASalert and be prepared to action your Bushfire Plan

Keep aware of smoke during bushfire season. You can check the Fire Danger Rating on the Tasmania Fire Service website up to 4 days ahead or listen to ABC radio for daily forecasts. The Fire Danger Rating keeps you informed of potential fire weather and how severe it might be, if a fire starts. It is recommended that you have your Bushfire Plans completed and ready to action before Summer.

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